شاهدوا شارع الرشيد صباح الاثنين 27/12/2010
(بالصوت والصورة)
(بالصوت والصورة)
Rasheed Street in the morning Monday 27/12/2010
شارع الرشيد صباح يوم الاثنين 27 ديسمبر/ كانون الأول 2010 بأتجاه شارع المتنبي وتشاهدون محل عصير الحاج زبالة الشهير ومقابله محل كعك السيد الذي أسس عام 1906 أي مع تاريخ شق شارع الرشيد وتأسيسه في عهد الوالي خليل باشا والذي اطلق عليه عند تأسيسه شارع (خليل باشا جادة سي) وقد كانت تحتاج بغداد في أواخر العهد العثماني مطلع القرن العشرين إلى شارع واسع وعريض وعصري لكي تمر به الالية العسكرية العثمانية وقواتها العسكرية القادمة من خارج بغداد او الخارجة منها وقد تم ابادة محلات كثيرة وقديمة عندما شق الشارع انذاك
Rasheed Street on the morning of Monday, December 27 2010 toward Mutanabi Street and watch juice shop Haj Ziballa famous interview replace cakes ASsaid founded in 1906 that mean with the date of construction of Al-Rasheed Street and founded in the reign of the governor Khalil Pasha, who fired him when it was founded Street (Khalil Pasha Avenue C) was needed in Baghdad, the End of the Ottoman early twentieth century to Broad Street and a broad and modern in order to pass by the Ottoman military machine and its military forces from outside Baghdad or emerging from genocide have been many shops and old at the time when construction of the street
Rasheed Street on the morning of Monday, December 27 2010 toward Mutanabi Street and watch juice shop Haj Ziballa famous interview replace cakes ASsaid founded in 1906 that mean with the date of construction of Al-Rasheed Street and founded in the reign of the governor Khalil Pasha, who fired him when it was founded Street (Khalil Pasha Avenue C) was needed in Baghdad, the End of the Ottoman early twentieth century to Broad Street and a broad and modern in order to pass by the Ottoman military machine and its military forces from outside Baghdad or emerging from genocide have been many shops and old at the time when construction of the street