الكلمة .. ابداع والتزام
إدارة منتدى (الكلمة..إبداع وإلتزام) ترحّب دوماً بأعضائها الأعزاء وكذلك بضيوفها الكرام وتدعوهم لقضاء أوقات مفيدة وممتعة في منتداهم الإبداعي هذا مع أخوة وأخوات لهم مبدعين من كافة بلداننا العربية الحبيبة وكوردستان العراق العزيزة ، فحللتم أهلاً ووطئتم سهلاً. ومكانكم بالقلب.

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

الكلمة .. ابداع والتزام
إدارة منتدى (الكلمة..إبداع وإلتزام) ترحّب دوماً بأعضائها الأعزاء وكذلك بضيوفها الكرام وتدعوهم لقضاء أوقات مفيدة وممتعة في منتداهم الإبداعي هذا مع أخوة وأخوات لهم مبدعين من كافة بلداننا العربية الحبيبة وكوردستان العراق العزيزة ، فحللتم أهلاً ووطئتم سهلاً. ومكانكم بالقلب.
الكلمة .. ابداع والتزام
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
الكلمة .. ابداع والتزام

منتدى للابداع .. ثقافي .. يعنى بشؤون الأدب والشعر والرسم والمسرح والنقد وكل ابداع حر ملتزم ، بلا انغلاق او اسفاف

منتدى الكلمة .. إبداع وإلتزام يرحب بالأعضاء الجدد والزوار الكرام . إدارة المنتدى ترحب كثيراً بكل أعضائها المبدعين والمبدعات ومن كافة بلادنا العربية الحبيبة ومن كوردستان العراق الغالية وتؤكد الإدارة بأن هذا المنتدى هو ملك لأعضائها الكرام وحتى لزوارها الأعزاء وغايتنا هي منح كامل الحرية في النشر والاطلاع وكل ما يزيدنا علماً وثقافة وبنفس الوقت تؤكد الإدارة انه لا يمكن لأحد ان يتدخل في حرية الأعضاء الكرام في نشر إبداعاتهم ما دام القانون محترم ، فيا هلا ومرحبا بكل أعضاءنا الرائعين ومن كل مكان كانوا في بلداننا الحبيبة جمعاء
اخواني واخواتي الاعزاء .. اهلا وسهلا بكم في منتداكم الابداعي (الكلمة .. إبداع وإلتزام) .. نرجوا منكم الانتباه الى أمر هام بخصوص أختيار (كلمة المرور) الخاصة بكم ، وهو وجوب أختيار (كلمة المرور) الخاصة بكم كتابتها باللغة الانكليزية وليس اللغة العربية أي بمعنى ادق استخدم (الاحرف اللاتينية) وليس (الاحرف العربية) لان هذا المنتدى لا يقبل الاحرف العربية في (كلمة المرور) وهذا يفسّر عدم دخول العديد لأعضاء الجدد بالرغم من استكمال كافة متطلبات التسجيل لذا اقتضى التنويه مع التحية للجميع ووقتا ممتعا في منتداكم الابداعي (الكلمة .. إبداع وإلتزام) .
إلى جميع زوارنا الكرام .. أن التسجيل مفتوح في منتدانا ويمكن التسجيل بسهولة عن طريق الضغط على العبارة (التسجيل) أو (Sign Up ) وملء المعلومات المطلوبة وبعد ذلك تنشيط حسابكم عن طريق الرسالة المرسلة من المنتدى لبريدكم الالكتروني مع تحياتنا لكم
تنبيه هام لجميع الاعضاء والزوار الكرام : تردنا بعض الأسئلة عن عناوين وارقام هواتف لزملاء محامين ومحاميات ، وحيث اننا جهة ليست مخولة بهذا الامر وان الجهة التي من المفروض مراجعتها بهذا الخصوص هي نقابة المحامين العراقيين او موقعها الالكتروني الموجود على الانترنت ، لذا نأسف عن اجابة أي طلب من أي عضو كريم او زائر كريم راجين تفهم ذلك مع وافر الشكر والتقدير (إدارة المنتدى)

نتائج البحث

Rechercher بحث متقدم

المواضيع الأخيرة
» شقق مفروشة للايجار بأفضل المستويات والاسعار بالقاهرة + الصور 00201227389733
أسماء الأفلام الحائزة على جائزة الاوسكار منذ بداية الجائزة عام 1928 وإلى العام 2009 Emptyالأربعاء 05 فبراير 2020, 3:45 am من طرف doniamarika

» تفسير الأحلام : رؤية الثعبان ، الأفعى ، الحيَّة ، في الحلم
أسماء الأفلام الحائزة على جائزة الاوسكار منذ بداية الجائزة عام 1928 وإلى العام 2009 Emptyالأحد 15 ديسمبر 2019, 3:05 pm من طرف مصطفى أبوعبد الرحمن

»  شقق مفروشة للايجار بأفضل المستويات والاسعار بالقاهرة + الصور 00201227389733
أسماء الأفلام الحائزة على جائزة الاوسكار منذ بداية الجائزة عام 1928 وإلى العام 2009 Emptyالخميس 21 نوفمبر 2019, 4:27 am من طرف doniamarika

»  شقق مفروشة للايجار بأفضل المستويات والاسعار بالقاهرة + الصور 00201227389733
أسماء الأفلام الحائزة على جائزة الاوسكار منذ بداية الجائزة عام 1928 وإلى العام 2009 Emptyالسبت 13 أكتوبر 2018, 4:19 am من طرف doniamarika

» شقق مفروشة للايجار بأفضل المستويات والاسعار بالقاهرة + الصور 00201227389733
أسماء الأفلام الحائزة على جائزة الاوسكار منذ بداية الجائزة عام 1928 وإلى العام 2009 Emptyالسبت 13 أكتوبر 2018, 4:17 am من طرف doniamarika

» تصميم تطبيقات الجوال
أسماء الأفلام الحائزة على جائزة الاوسكار منذ بداية الجائزة عام 1928 وإلى العام 2009 Emptyالخميس 07 يونيو 2018, 5:56 am من طرف 2Grand_net

» تصميم تطبيقات الجوال
أسماء الأفلام الحائزة على جائزة الاوسكار منذ بداية الجائزة عام 1928 وإلى العام 2009 Emptyالخميس 07 يونيو 2018, 5:54 am من طرف 2Grand_net

» تحميل الاندرويد
أسماء الأفلام الحائزة على جائزة الاوسكار منذ بداية الجائزة عام 1928 وإلى العام 2009 Emptyالثلاثاء 05 يونيو 2018, 3:35 am من طرف 2Grand_net

» تحميل تطبيقات اندرويد مجانا
أسماء الأفلام الحائزة على جائزة الاوسكار منذ بداية الجائزة عام 1928 وإلى العام 2009 Emptyالثلاثاء 22 مايو 2018, 2:42 am من طرف 2Grand_net

التبادل الاعلاني
احداث منتدى مجاني
مايو 2024

اليومية اليومية

أفضل 10 أعضاء في هذا الشهر
لا يوجد مستخدم

أفضل 10 أعضاء في هذا الأسبوع
لا يوجد مستخدم

المواضيع الأكثر نشاطاً
تفسير الأحلام : رؤية الثعبان ، الأفعى ، الحيَّة ، في الحلم
مضيفكم (مضيف منتدى"الكلمة..إبداع وإلتزام") يعود إليكم ، ضيف شهر نوفمبر/ تشرين الثاني ، مبدعنا ومشرفنا المتألق العزيز الاستاذ خالد العراقي من محافظة الأنبار البطلة التي قاومت الأحتلال والأرهاب معاً
حدث في مثل هذا اليوم من التأريخ
الصحفي منتظر الزيدي وحادثة رمي الحذاء على بوش وتفاصيل محاكمته
سجل دخولك لمنتدى الكلمة ابداع والتزام بالصلاة على محمد وعلى ال محمد
أختر عضو في المنتدى ووجه سؤالك ، ومن لا يجيب على السؤال خلال مدة عشرة أيام طبعا سينال لقب (اسوأ عضو للمنتدى بجدارة في تلك الفترة) ، لنبدأ على بركة الله تعالى (لتكن الاسئلة خفيفة وموجزة وتختلف عن أسئلة مضيف المنتدى)
لمناسبة مرور عام على تأسيس منتدانا (منتدى "الكلمة..إبداع وإلتزام") كل عام وانتم بألف خير
برنامج (للذين أحسنوا الحسنى) للشيخ الدكتور أحمد الكبيسي ( لِّلَّذِينَ أَحْسَنُواْ الْحُسْنَى وَزِيَادَةٌ وَلاَ يَرْهَقُ وُجُوهَهُمْ قَتَرٌ وَلاَ ذِلَّةٌ أُوْلَـئِكَ أَصْحَابُ الْجَنَّةِ هُمْ فِيهَا خَالِدُونَ (26) يونس) بثت الحلقات في شهر رمضان 1428هـ
صور حصرية للمنتدى لأنتخابات نقابة المحامين العراقيين التي جرت يوم 8/4/2010
صور نادرة وحصرية للمنتدى : صور أنتخابات نقابة المحامين العراقيين التي جرت يوم 16/11/2006

هذا المنتدى يتوفر على 2029 عُضو.
آخر عُضو مُسجل هو ن از فمرحباً به.

أعضاؤنا قدموا 54777 مساهمة في هذا المنتدى في 36583 موضوع

أهلا وسهلا بك زائرنا الكريم, أنت لم تقم بتسجيل الدخول بعد! يشرفنا أن تقوم بالدخول أو التسجيل إذا رغبت بالمشاركة في المنتدى

أسماء الأفلام الحائزة على جائزة الاوسكار منذ بداية الجائزة عام 1928 وإلى العام 2009

اذهب الى الأسفل  رسالة [صفحة 1 من اصل 1]

وليد محمد الشبيبي

وليد محمد الشبيبي
مؤسس المنتدى ومديره المسؤول

أسماء الأفلام الحائزة على جائزة الاوسكار
منذ بداية الجائزة عام 1928 وإلى العام 2009

من ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة

جائزة أفضل فيلم في مهرجان الأوسكار عبارة عن أحد الجوائز التي تمنحها أكاديمية الفنون والعلوم السينمائية التي تعتبر اكاديمية فخرية وليست اكاديمية تعليمية في كاليفورنيا في الولايات المتحدة وفيما يلي قائمة بأسماء الأفلام الفائزة في تاريخ جائزة الأوسكار:

2009 - خزانة الألم (The Hurt Locker)
2008 - المتشرد المليونير(slumdog millionaire)
2007 - لا وطن للمسنين (No Country for Old Men)
2006 - المغادرون (The Departed)
2005 - تصادم (Crash)
2004 - فتاة المليون دولار (Million Dollar Baby)
2003 - سيد الخواتم: عودة الملك (The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King)
2002 - شيكاغو (Chicago)
2001 - عقل جميل (A Beautiful Mind)
2000 - جلادييتور (Gladiator)
1999 - الجمال الأمريكي (American Beauty)
1998 - شكسبير في الحب (Shakespeare in Love)
1997 - تيتانيك (Titanic)
1996 - المريض الإنكليزي (The English Patient)
1995 - القلب الشجاع (Braveheart)
1994 - فورست كمب (Forrest Gump)
1993 - قائمة شندلر (Schindler's List)
1992 - غير المسامح (Unforgiven)
1991 - صمت الحملان (The Silence of the Lambs)
1990 - الرقص مع الذئاب (Dances with Wolves)
1989 - توصيل الأنسة دايزي (Driving Miss Daisy)
1988 - رجل المطر (Rain Man)
1987 - الإمبراطور الأخير (The Last Emperor)
1986 - فصيلة (Platoon)
1985 - الخروج من أفريقيا (Out of Africa)
1984 - أماديوس (Amadeus)
1983 - شروط أظهار العاطفة (Terms of Endearment)
1982 - غاندي (Gandhi)
1981 - عربات النار (Chariots of Fire)
1980 - أناس عادييون (Ordinary People)
1979 - كريمر ضد كريمر (Kramer vs. Kramer)
1978 - صياد الغزلان (The Deer Hunter)
1977 - آني هول (Annie Hall)
1976 - روكي (Rocky)
1975 - وطار فوق عش المجانين (One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest)
1974 - العراب: الجزء الثاني (The Godfather Part II)
1973 - اللدغة (The Sting)
1972 - العراب (The Godfather)
1971 - الإتصال الفرنسي (The French Connection)
1970 - باتون (Patton)
1969 - راعي البقر منتصف الليل (Midnight Cowboy)
1968 - أوليفر! (Oliver!)
1967 - في حرارة الليل (In the Heat of the Night)
1966 - رجل لكل المواسم (A Man for All Seasons)
1965 - صوت الموسيقى (The Sound of Music)
1964 - سيدتي الجميلة (My Fair Lady)
1963 - توم جونز (Tom Jones)
1962 - لورانس العرب (Lawrence of Arabia)
1961 - قصة الحي الغربي (West Side Story)
1960 - الشقة (The Apartment)
1959 - بن هور (Ben-Hur)
1958 - جيجي (Gigi)
1957 - جسر على نهر كواي (The Bridge on the River Kwai)
1956 - حول العالم في ثمانون يوم (Around the World in Eighty Days)
1955 - مارتي (Marty)
1954 - على الواجهة البحرية (On the Waterfront)
1953 - من هنا إلى الخلود (From Here to Eternity)
1952 - العرض الأعظم على الأرض (The Greatest Show on Earth)
1951 - أمريكي في باريس (An American in Paris)
1950 - كل شيء عن ايفا (All About Eve)
1949 - كل رجال الملك (All the King's Men)
1948 - هاملت (Hamlet)
1947 - إتفاقية الشرف (Gentleman's Agreement)
1946 - أفضل سنوات حياتنا (The Best Years of Our Lives)
1945 - نهاية الإسبوع المفقودة (The Lost Weekend)
1944 - سأمضي في طريقي (Going My Way)
1943 - كازبلانكا (Casablanca)
1942 - السيدة مينفر (Mrs. Miniver)
1941 - كم كان واديي من أخضر (How Green Was My Valley)
1940 - ريبيكا (Rebecca)
1939 - ذهب مع الريح (Gone with the Wind)
1938 - لا تستطيع أخذه معك (You Can't Take It with You)
1937 - حياة أميل زولا (The Life of Emile Zola)
1936 - زيغفيلد العظيم (The Great Ziegfeld)
1935 - تمرد على سطح الباونتي (Mutiny on the Bounty)
1934 - لقد حدث ذات ليلة (It Happened One Night)
1933 - الموكب (Cavalcade)
1932 - الفندق الكبير (Grand Hotel)
1931 - سيمارون (Cimarron)
1930 - هدوء كلي على الجبهة الغربية (All Quiet on the Western Front)
1929 - أغنية برودواي (The Broadway Melody)
1928 - أجنحة (Wings) وشروق شمس (Sunrise)

جائزة الأوسكار لأفضل صورة
منحت لـ أفضل فلم للسنة
قدّم من طرف أكاديمية فنون وعلوم الصور المتحركة
البلد الولايات المتحدة
منحت أولا 1929 (للإخراج في الأفلام الصادرة في 1927/1928)
الفائز الأول وينغس (1927)
حصل عليها حاليا من طرف هارت لوكر (2009)
الموقع الرسمي


Academy Award for Best Picture
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Academy Award for Best Motion Picture is one of the Academy Awards of Merit presented annually by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) to artists working in the motion picture industry. The Best Picture category is the only category in which every member of the Academy is eligible not only to vote on the final ballot, but also to nominate. During the annual Academy Awards ceremony, Best Picture is reserved as the final award presented and, since 1951, is collected at the podium by the film's producers. The Academy Award for Best Motion Picture is considered the most important of the Academy Awards, as it is the final award presented, directing, acting, and writing efforts put forth for a film. The Grand Staircase columns at the Kodak Theatre in Los Angeles, where the Academy Awards ceremonies have been held since 2002, showcase every film that has won the Best Picture title since the award's inception 80 years ago. On June 24, 2009 it was announced that the Best Picture nominees would be raised from five to ten selected nominees for the award, starting with the 2010 Academy Award Ceremony.[1]


At the 1st Academy Awards ceremony (for 1927 and 1928), there was no Best Picture award. Instead, there were two separate awards, one called Most Outstanding Production, won by the epic Wings, and one called Most Artistic Quality of Production, won by the art film Sunrise. The awards were intended to honor different and equally important aspects of superior filmmaking, and in fact the judges and the studio bosses who sought to influence their decisions paid more attention to the latter - MGM head Louis B. Mayer, who had disliked the realism of King Vidor's The Crowd, pressured the judges not to honor his own studio's film, and to select Sunrise instead. The next year, the Academy instituted a single award called Best Production, and decided retroactively that the award won by Wings had been the equivalent of that award, with the result that Wings is often listed as the winner of a sole Best Picture award for the first year. The title of the award was eventually changed to Best Picture for the 1931 awards.

Since 1944, the Academy has restricted nominations to five Best Picture nominees per year. As of the 81st Academy Awards ceremony (for 2008), there have been 464 films nominated for the Best Picture award. Throughout the past 81 years, AMPAS has presented a total of 81 Best Picture awards. Invariably, the Academy Awards for Best Picture and Best Director have been very closely linked throughout their history. Of the 81 films that have been awarded Best Picture, 59 have also been awarded Best Director.[1] Only three films have won Best Picture without their directors being nominated (though only one since the early 1930s): Wings (1927/28), Grand Hotel (1931/32), and Driving Miss Daisy (1989). The only two Best Director winners to win for films which did not receive a Best Picture nomination are likewise in the early years: Lewis Milestone (1927/28) and Frank Lloyd (1928/29).

However, beginning in 2010, The Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences will double the number of Best Picture nominees from five to ten. The expansion is a throwback to the Academy's early years in the 1930s and '40s, when anywhere between eight and 12 films were shortlisted (or longlisted). "Having 10 Best Picture nominees is going allow Academy voters to recognize and include some of the fantastic movies that often show up in the other Oscar categories but have been squeezed out of the race for the top prize," AMPAS President Sid Ganis said in a press conference. "I can't wait to see what that list of 10 looks like when the nominees are announced in February." .[1]

One point of contention is the lack of consideration of non-English language films for categories other than Best Foreign Language Film. Very few foreign language films have been nominated for any other categories, regardless of artistic merit. To date, only eight foreign language films (and three partly foreign language films) have been nominated for Best Picture: Grand Illusion (French, 1938); Z (French, 1969); The Emigrants (Swedish, 1972); Cries and Whispers (Swedish, 1973); Il Postino (Italian/Spanish, 1995); Life Is Beautiful (Italian, 1998); Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (Mandarin Chinese, 2000); and Letters from Iwo Jima (Japanese, 2006), which was ineligible for the Best Foreign Language Oscar because it was an American production. The only partly foreign language films to win Best Picture are The Godfather Part II (English/Sicilian, 1974), The Last Emperor (English/Mandarin, 1987) and Slumdog Millionaire (English/Hindi, 2008).

Another point of contention is the recent extreme bias toward 2-plus hour films: Crash (2005, 112m) is the shortest film to win Best Picture in the past 20 years. It has been criticized for ignoring films that were huge commercial and critical successes. Furthermore, of animated films no animated movie has won the award, and only one comedy (Shakespeare in Love, 1998) has won in the last 30 years.

To date, ten films exclusively financed outside the United States have won Best Picture; all ten were financed, in part or in whole, by the United Kingdom. Those films were, in chronological order: Hamlet, The Bridge on the River Kwai, Lawrence of Arabia, Tom Jones, A Man for All Seasons, Oliver!, Chariots of Fire, Gandhi, The Last Emperor, and Slumdog Millionaire.

No Best Picture winner is lost, though a few such as All Quiet on the Western Front and Lawrence of Arabia exist only in a form altered from their original, award-winning release form, usually having been edited for reissue (and subsequently partly restored by archivists). Other winners and nominees such as Tom Jones and Star Wars are widely available only in subsequently altered versions. The 1928 film The Patriot is the only Best Picture nominee that is lost; The Racket was believed lost for many years but a print existed in producer Howard Hughes' archives and it has since been shown on Turner Classic Movies. Wings and Sunrise were the only silent winners of a Best Picture-equivalent award, although a part-silent version of All Quiet on the Western Front was created for foreign-language release and survives.

Winners and nominees

In the list below, the winner of the award for each year is shown first, followed by the other nominees. Except for the early years (when the Academy used a non-calendar year), the year shown is the one in which the film first premiered in Los Angeles County, California; normally this is also the year of first release, but it may be the year after first release (as with Casablanca and, if the film-festival premiere is considered, Crash). This is the year before the ceremony at which the award is given; for example, a film exhibited theatrically during 2005 was eligible for consideration for the 2005 Best Picture Oscar, awarded in 2006. The number of the ceremony (1st, 2nd, etc.) appears in parentheses after the awards year, linked to the article (if any) on that ceremony. Each individual entry shows the title followed by the production company, and the producer. For foreign language films, the original title is also shown. Until 1950, the Best Picture award was given to the production company; from 1951 on, it has gone to the producer. The official name of the award has changed several times over the years:

1927/28 → 1928/29: Outstanding Picture
1929/30 → 1940: Outstanding Production
1941 → 1943: Outstanding Motion Picture
1944 → 1961: Best Motion Picture
1962 → Present: Best Picture

Year Film Production company(s) Producer(s) Notes
(1st) Wings Paramount, Famous Players-Lasky Lucien Hubbard in category of Best Production.[F]
(1st) The Racket Caddo, Paramount Howard Hughes
(1st) Seventh Heaven Fox William Fox
(2nd) The Broadway Melody Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer[L] Harry Rapf
(2nd) Alibi Feature Productions, United Artists Roland West
(2nd) The Hollywood Revue of 1929 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Harry Rapf
(2nd) In Old Arizona Fox Winfield Sheehan[G]
(2nd) The Patriot Paramount Ernst Lubitsch
(3rd) All Quiet on the Western Front Universal Carl Laemmle Jr.
(3rd) The Big House Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Irving Thalberg
(3rd) Disraeli Warner Bros. Jack Warner, Darryl Zanuck
(3rd) The Divorcee Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Robert Leonard
(3rd) The Love Parade Paramount Ernst Lubitsch
(4th) Cimarron RKO Radio William LeBaron
(4th) East Lynne Fox Winfield Sheehan[G]
(4th) The Front Page Caddo, United Artists Howard Hughes
(4th) Skippy Paramount Adolph Zukor
(4th) Trader Horn Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Irving G. Thalberg
(5th) Grand Hotel Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Irving Thalberg
(5th) Arrowsmith Goldwyn, United Artists Samuel Goldwyn
(5th) Bad Girl Fox Winfield Sheehan[G]
(5th) The Champ Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer King Vidor
(5th) Five Star Final First National Hal B. Wallis
(5th) One Hour with You Paramount Ernst Lubitsch
(5th) Shanghai Express Paramount Adolph Zukor
(5th) The Smiling Lieutenant Paramount Ernst Lubitsch
(6th) Cavalcade[H] Fox Winfield Sheehan[G]
(6th) 42nd Street Warner Bros. Darryl F. Zanuck
(6th) A Farewell to Arms[H] Paramount Adolph Zukor
(6th) I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang Warner Bros. Hal B. Wallis
(6th) Lady for a Day Columbia Frank Capra
(6th) Little Women[H] RKO Radio Merian C. Cooper, Kenneth MacGowan
(6th) The Private Life of Henry VIII London Films, United Artists Alexander Korda the first nomination which was not an American production.[2]
(6th) She Done Him Wrong Paramount William LeBaron
(6th) Smilin' Through Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Irving Thalberg
(6th) State Fair Fox Winfield Sheehan[G]
(7th) It Happened One Night[I] Columbia Harry Cohn won all Big Five Academy Awards[3]
(7th) The Barretts of Wimpole Street[I] Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Irving Thalberg
(7th) Cleopatra Paramount Cecil B. DeMille
(7th) Flirtation Walk First National Jack L. Warner, Hal B. Wallis, Robert Lord
(7th) The Gay Divorcee RKO Radio Pandro S. Berman
(7th) Here Comes the Navy Warner Bros. Lou Edelman
(7th) The House of Rothschild[I] 20th Century, United Artists Darryl F. Zanuck, William Goetz, Raymond Griffith
(7th) Imitation of Life Universal John M. Stahl
(7th) One Night of Love Columbia Harry Cohn, Everett Riskin
(7th) The Thin Man Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Hunt Stromberg
(7th) Viva Villa Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer David O. Selznick
(7th) The White Parade Fox Jesse L. Lasky
(8th) Mutiny on the Bounty[J] Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Irving Thalberg, Albert Lewin
(8th) Alice Adams RKO Radio Pandro S. Berman
(8th) Broadway Melody of 1936 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer John W. Considine, Jr.
(8th) Captain Blood[J] Warner Bros., Cosmopolitan Hal B. Wallis, Harry Joe Brown, Gordon Hollingshead
(8th) David Copperfield Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer David O. Selznick
(8th) The Informer[J] RKO Radio Cliff Reid
(8th) The Lives of a Bengal Lancer Paramount Louis D. Lighton
(8th) A Midsummer Night's Dream Warner Bros. Henry Blanke
(8th) Les Misérables 20th Century, United Artists Darryl F. Zanuck
(8th) Naughty Marietta Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Hunt Stromberg
(8th) Ruggles of Red Gap Paramount Arthur Hornblow, Jr.
(8th) Top Hat RKO Radio Pandro S. Berman
(9th) The Great Ziegfeld Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Hunt Stromberg
(9th) Anthony Adverse Warner Bros. Henry Blanke
(9th) Dodsworth Goldwyn, United Artists Samuel Goldwyn, Merritt Hulbert
(9th) Libeled Lady Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Lawrence Weingarten
(9th) Mr. Deeds Goes to Town Columbia Frank Capra
(9th) Romeo and Juliet Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Irving Thalberg
(9th) San Francisco Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer John Emerson, Bernard H. Hyman
(9th) The Story of Louis Pasteur Warner Bros. Henry Blanke
(9th) A Tale of Two Cities Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer David O. Selznick
(9th) Three Smart Girls Universal Joe Pasternak, Charles R. Rogers
(10th) The Life of Emile Zola Warner Bros. Henry Blanke
(10th) The Awful Truth Columbia Leo McCarey, Everett Riskin
(10th) Captains Courageous Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Louis Lighton
(10th) Dead End Goldwyn, United Artists Samuel Goldwyn, Merritt Hulbert
(10th) The Good Earth Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Irving Thalberg, Albert Lewin
(10th) In Old Chicago 20th Century Fox Darryl F. Zanuck, Kenneth MacGowan
(10th) Lost Horizon Columbia Frank Capra
(10th) One Hundred Men and a Girl Universal Charles R. Rogers, Joe Pasternak
(10th) Stage Door RKO Radio Pandro S. Berman
(10th) A Star Is Born Selznick International, United Artists David O. Selznick
(11th) You Can't Take It With You Columbia Frank Capra
(11th) The Adventures of Robin Hood Warner Bros. Hal B. Wallis, Henry Blanke
(11th) Alexander's Ragtime Band 20th Century Fox Darryl F. Zanuck, Harry Joe Brown
(11th) Boys Town Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer John W. Considine, Jr.
(11th) The Citadel Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Victor Saville
(11th) Four Daughters Warner Bros., First National Hal B. Wallis, Henry Blanke
(11th) Grand Illusion R. A. O., World Pictures Frank Rollmer, Albert Pinkovitch the first nomination with non-English dialogue track.[K]
(11th) Jezebel Warner Bros. Hal B. Wallis, Henry Blanke
(11th) Pygmalion Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Gabriel Pascal
(11th) Test Pilot Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Louis Lighton
(12th) Gone with the Wind Selznick, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer David O. Selznick the first winner which was all color motion picture[2]
(12th) Dark Victory Warner Bros. David Lewis
(12th) Goodbye, Mr. Chips Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Victor Saville
(12th) Love Affair RKO Radio Leo McCarey
(12th) Mr. Smith Goes to Washington Columbia Frank Capra
(12th) Ninotchka Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Sidney Franklin
(12th) Of Mice and Men Roach, United Artists Lewis Milestone
(12th) Stagecoach United Artists Walter Wanger
(12th) The Wizard of Oz Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Mervyn LeRoy
(12th) Wuthering Heights Goldwyn, United Artists Samuel Goldwyn
(13th) Rebecca Selznick, United Artists David O. Selznick
(13th) All This, and Heaven Too Warner Bros. Jack L. Warner, Hal B. Wallis, David Lewis
(13th) Foreign Correspondent Wanger, United Artists Walter Wanger
(13th) The Grapes of Wrath 20th Century Fox Darryl F. Zanuck, Nunnally Johnson
(13th) The Great Dictator Chaplin, United Artists Charles Chaplin
(13th) Kitty Foyle RKO Radio David Hempstead
(13th) The Letter Warner Bros. Hal B. Wallis
(13th) The Long Voyage Home Argosy, Wanger, United Artists John Ford
(13th) Our Town Lesser, United Artists Sol Lesser
(13th) The Philadelphia Story Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Joseph L. Mankiewicz
(14th) How Green Was My Valley 20th Century Fox Darryl F. Zanuck
(14th) Blossoms in the Dust Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Irving Asher
(14th) Citizen Kane RKO Radio Orson Welles
(14th) Here Comes Mr. Jordan Columbia Everett Riskin
(14th) Hold Back the Dawn Paramount Arthur Hornblow, Jr.
(14th) The Little Foxes RKO Radio Samuel Goldwyn
(14th) The Maltese Falcon Warner Bros. Hal B. Wallis
(14th) One Foot In Heaven Warner Bros. Hal B. Wallis
(14th) Sergeant York Warner Bros. Hal B. Wallis, Jesse L. Lasky
(14th) Suspicion RKO Radio Alfred Hitchcock
(15th) Mrs. Miniver Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Sidney Franklin
(15th) 49th Parallel GFD, Columbia Michael Powell
(15th) Kings Row Warner Bros. Hal B. Wallis
(15th) The Magnificent Ambersons Mercury, RKO Radio Orson Welles
(15th) The Pied Piper 20th Century Fox Nunnally Johnson
(15th) The Pride of the Yankees Goldwyn, RKO Radio Samuel Goldwyn
(15th) Random Harvest Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Sidney Franklin
(15th) The Talk of the Town Columbia George Stevens
(15th) Wake Island Paramount Joseph Sistrom
(15th) Yankee Doodle Dandy Warner Bros. Jack Warner, Hal B. Wallis, William Cagney
(16th) Casablanca Warner Bros. Hal B. Wallis
(16th) For Whom the Bell Tolls Paramount Sam Wood
(16th) Heaven Can Wait 20th Century Fox Ernst Lubitsch
(16th) The Human Comedy Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Clarence Brown
(16th) In Which We Serve United Artists Noel Coward
(16th) Madame Curie Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Sidney Franklin
(16th) The More the Merrier Columbia George Stevens
(16th) The Ox-Bow Incident 20th Century Fox Lamar Trotti
(16th) The Song of Bernadette 20th Century Fox William Perlberg
(16th) Watch on the Rhine Warner Bros. Hal B. Wallis
(17th) Going My Way Paramount Leo McCarey
(17th) Double Indemnity Paramount Joseph Sistrom
(17th) Gaslight Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Arthur Hornblow, Jr.
(17th) Since You Went Away Selznick, United Artists David O. Selznick
(17th) Wilson 20th Century Fox Darryl F. Zanuck
(18th) The Lost Weekend Paramount Charles Brackett one of the only two films which won both Academy Award for Best Picture and Cannes Film Festival's Palme d'Or.[2]
(18th) Anchors Aweigh Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Joe Pasternak
(18th) The Bells of St. Mary's RKO Radio Leo McCarey
(18th) Mildred Pierce Warner Bros. Jerry Wald
(18th) Spellbound United Artists David O. Selznick
(19th) The Best Years of Our Lives RKO Radio Samuel Goldwyn
(19th) Henry V United Artists Laurence Olivier
(19th) It's a Wonderful Life RKO Radio Frank Capra
(19th) The Razor's Edge 20th Century Fox Darryl F. Zanuck
(19th) The Yearling Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Sidney Franklin
(20th) Gentleman's Agreement 20th Century Fox Darryl F. Zanuck
(20th) The Bishop's Wife RKO Radio Samuel Goldwyn
(20th) Crossfire RKO Radio Adrian Scott
(20th) Great Expectations Rank-Cineguild, U-I Ronald Neame
(20th) Miracle on 34th Street 20th Century Fox William Perlberg
(21st) Hamlet J. Arthur Rank-Two Cities Films, Universal International Laurence Olivier the first winner which was not a Hollywood production.[2]
(21st) Johnny Belinda Warner Bros. Jerry Wald
(21st) The Red Shoes Rank Organisation, Powell and Pressburger, Eagle-Lion Films Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger
(21st) The Snake Pit 20th Century Fox Anatole Litvak, Robert Bassler
(21st) The Treasure of the Sierra Madre Warner Bros. Henry Blanke
(22nd) All the King's Men Rossen, Columbia Robert Rossen
(22nd) Battleground Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Dore Schary
(22nd) The Heiress Paramount William Wyler
(22nd) A Letter to Three Wives 20th Century Fox Sol C. Siegel
(22nd) Twelve O'Clock High 20th Century Fox Darryl F. Zanuck
(23rd) All About Eve 20th Century Fox Darryl F. Zanuck received the most nominations in history (14 nominations, 6 awards)[4]
(23rd) Born Yesterday Columbia S. Sylvan Simon
(23rd) Father of the Bride Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Sam Zimbalist
(23rd) King Solomon's Mines Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Sam Zimbalist
(23rd) Sunset Boulevard Paramount Charles Brackett
(24th) An American in Paris Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Arthur Freed
(24th) Decision Before Dawn 20th Century Fox Anatole Litvak, Frank McCarthy
(24th) A Place in the Sun Paramount George Stevens
(24th) Quo Vadis Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Sam Zimbalist
(24th) A Streetcar Named Desire Warner Bros. Charles K. Feldman
(25th) The Greatest Show on Earth Paramount Cecil B. DeMille
(25th) High Noon United Artists Stanley Kramer
(25th) Ivanhoe Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pandro S. Berman
(25th) Moulin Rouge United Artists John Huston
(25th) The Quiet Man Republic John Ford, Merian C. Cooper
(26th) From Here to Eternity Columbia Buddy Adler
(26th) Julius Caesar Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer John Houseman
(26th) The Robe 20th Century Fox Frank Ross
(26th) Roman Holiday Paramount William Wyler
(26th) Shane Paramount George Stevens
(27th) On the Waterfront Columbia Sam Spiegel[N]
(27th) The Caine Mutiny Columbia Stanley Kramer
(27th) The Country Girl Paramount William Perlberg
(27th) Seven Brides for Seven Brothers Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Jack Cummings
(27th) Three Coins in the Fountain 20th Century Fox Sol C. Siegel
(28th) Marty United Artists Harold Hecht one of the only two films which won both Academy Award for Best Picture and Cannes Film Festival's Palme d'Or.[2]
(28th) Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing 20th Century Fox Buddy Adler
(28th) Mister Roberts Warner Bros. Leland Hayward
(28th) Picnic Columbia Fred Kohlmar
(28th) The Rose Tattoo Paramount Hal B. Wallis
(29th) Around the World in 80 Days United Artists Michael Todd
(29th) Friendly Persuasion Allied Artists William Wyler
(29th) Giant Warner Bros. George Stevens, Henry Ginsberg
(29th) The King and I 20th Century Fox Charles Brackett
(29th) The Ten Commandments Paramount Cecil B. DeMille
(30th) The Bridge on the River Kwai Columbia Sam Spiegel
(30th) Peyton Place 20th Century Fox Jerry Wald
(30th) Sayonara Warner Bros. William Goetz
(30th) 12 Angry Men United Artists Henry Fonda, Reginald Rose
(30th) Witness for the Prosecution United Artists Arthur Hornblow, Jr.
(31st) Gigi Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Arthur Freed
(31st) Auntie Mame Warner Bros. Jack L. Warner
(31st) Cat on a Hot Tin Roof Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Lawrence Weingarten
(31st) The Defiant Ones Kramer, United Artists Stanley Kramer
(31st) Separate Tables United Artists Harold Hecht
(32nd) Ben-Hur Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Sam Zimbalist posthumous award for Zimbalist
won the most Academy Awards in history (11 awards)[3]
(32nd) Anatomy of a Murder Columbia Otto Preminger
(32nd) The Diary of Anne Frank 20th Century Fox George Stevens
(32nd) The Nun's Story Warner Bros. Henry Blanke
(32nd) Room at the Top Continental John Woolf, James Woolf
(33rd) The Apartment United Artists Billy Wilder
(33rd) The Alamo United Artists John Wayne
(33rd) Elmer Gantry United Artists Bernard Smith
(33rd) Sons and Lovers 20th Century Fox Jerry Wald
(33rd) The Sundowners Warner Bros. Fred Zinnemann
(34th) West Side Story United Artists Robert Wise
(34th) Fanny Warner Bros. Joshua Logan
(34th) The Guns of Navarone Columbia Carl Foreman
(34th) The Hustler 20th Century Fox Robert Rossen
(34th) Judgment at Nuremberg United Artists Stanley Kramer
(35th) Lawrence of Arabia Columbia Sam Spiegel
(35th) The Longest Day 20th Century Fox Darryl F. Zanuck
(35th) The Music Man Warner Bros. Morton DaCosta
(35th) Mutiny on the Bounty Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Aaron Rosenberg
(35th) To Kill a Mockingbird U-I Alan J. Pakula
(36th) Tom Jones United Artists Tony Richardson
(36th) America, America Warner Bros. Elia Kazan
(36th) Cleopatra 20th Century Fox Walter Wanger
(36th) How the West Was Won Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Cinerama Bernard Smith
(36th) Lilies of the Field United Artists Ralph Nelson
(37th) My Fair Lady Warner Bros. Jack L. Warner
(37th) Becket Paramount Hal B. Wallis
(37th) Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb Columbia Stanley Kubrick
(37th) Mary Poppins Disney, Buena Vista Walt Disney, Bill Walsh
(37th) Zorba the Greek 20th Century Fox Michael Cacoyannis
(38th) The Sound of Music 20th Century Fox Robert Wise
(38th) Darling Embassy Joseph Janni
(38th) Doctor Zhivago Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Carlo Ponti
(38th) Ship of Fools Columbia Stanley Kramer
(38th) A Thousand Clowns United Artists Fred Coe
(39th) A Man for All Seasons Columbia Fred Zinnemann
(39th) Alfie Paramount Lewis Gilbert
(39th) The Russians Are Coming, the Russians Are Coming United Artists Norman Jewison
(39th) The Sand Pebbles 20th Century Fox Robert Wise
(39th) Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Warner Bros. Ernest Lehman
(40th) In the Heat of the Night United Artists Walter Mirisch
(40th) Bonnie and Clyde Warner Bros., Seven Arts Warren Beatty
(40th) Doctor Dolittle 20th Century Fox Arthur P. Jacobs
(40th) The Graduate Embassy Lawrence Turman
(40th) Guess Who's Coming to Dinner Columbia Stanley Kramer
(41st) Oliver! Columbia John Woolf
(41st) Funny Girl Columbia Ray Stark
(41st) The Lion in Winter Avco Embassy Martin Poll
(41st) Rachel, Rachel Warner Bros. Paul Newman
(41st) Romeo and Juliet Paramount Anthony Havelock-Allan, John Brabourne
(42nd) Midnight Cowboy United Artists Jerome Hellman
(42nd) Anne of the Thousand Days Universal Hal B. Wallis
(42nd) Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid 20th Century Fox John Foreman
(42nd) Hello, Dolly! 20th Century Fox Ernest Lehman
(42nd) Z[K] Cinema V Jacques Perrin, Ahmed Rachedi
(43rd) Patton 20th Century Fox Frank McCarthy
(43rd) Airport Universal Ross Hunter
(43rd) Five Easy Pieces Columbia Bob Rafelson, Richard Wechsler
(43rd) Love Story Paramount Howard G. Minsky
(43rd) MASH 20th Century Fox Ingo Preminger
(44th) The French Connection 20th Century Fox Philip D'Antoni
(44th) A Clockwork Orange Warner Bros. Stanley Kubrick
(44th) Fiddler on the Roof United Artists Norman Jewison
(44th) The Last Picture Show Columbia Stephen J. Friedman
(44th) Nicholas and Alexandra Columbia Sam Spiegel
(45th) The Godfather Paramount Albert S. Ruddy The Godfather Trilogy is one of only two trilogies (with The Lord of the Rings film trilogy) that received nominations for each installment.[3]
(45th) Cabaret Allied Artists Cy Feuer
(45th) Deliverance Warner Bros. John Boorman
(45th) The Emigrants[K] Warner Bros. Bengt Forslund
(45th) Sounder 20th Century Fox Robert B. Radnitz
(46th) The Sting Universal Tony Bill, Michael Phillips, Julia Phillips
(46th) American Graffiti Universal Francis Ford Coppola, Gary Kurtz
(46th) Cries and Whispers[K] New World Pictures Ingmar Bergman
(46th) The Exorcist Warner Bros. William Peter Blatty
(46th) A Touch of Class Avco Embassy Melvin Frank
(47th) The Godfather Part II[O] Paramount Francis Ford Coppola, Gray Frederickson, Fred Roos The Godfather Trilogy is one of only two trilogies (with The Lord of the Rings film trilogy) that received nominations for each installment.[3]
(47th) Chinatown Paramount Robert Evans
(47th) The Conversation Paramount Francis Ford Coppola
(47th) Lenny United Artists Marvin Worth
(47th) The Towering Inferno 20th Century Fox, Warner Bros. Irwin Allen
(48th) One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest United Artists Saul Zaentz[N], Michael Douglas won all Big Five Academy Awards[3]
(48th) Barry Lyndon Warner Bros. Stanley Kubrick
(48th) Dog Day Afternoon Warner Bros. Martin Bregman, Martin Elfand
(48th) Jaws Universal Richard D. Zanuck
(48th) Nashville Paramount Robert Altman
(49th) Rocky United Artists Irwin Winkler, Robert Chartoff
(49th) All the President's Men Warner Bros. Walter Coblenz
(49th) Bound for Glory United Artists Robert F. Blumofe, Harold Leventhal
(49th) Network Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, United Artists Howard Gottfried
(49th) Taxi Driver Columbia Michael Phillips, Julia Phillips
(50th) Annie Hall United Artists Charles H. Joffe
(50th) The Goodbye Girl Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Warner Bros. Ray Stark
(50th) Julia 20th Century Fox Richard Roth
(50th) Star Wars 20th Century Fox George Lucas
(50th) The Turning Point 20th Century Fox Herbert Ross, Arthur Laurents
(51st) The Deer Hunter Universal Barry Spikings, Michael Deeley, Michael Cimino, John Peverall
(51st) Coming Home United Artists Jerome Hellman
(51st) Heaven Can Wait Paramount Warren Beatty
(51st) Midnight Express Columbia Alan Marshall, David Puttnam
(51st) An Unmarried Woman 20th Century Fox Paul Mazursky, Tony Ray
(52nd) Kramer vs. Kramer Columbia Stanley R. Jaffe
(52nd) All That Jazz 20th Century Fox Robert Alan Aurthur posthumous nomination for Aurthur
(52nd) Apocalypse Now United Artists Francis Ford Coppola, Fred Roos, Gray Frederickson, Tom Sternberg
(52nd) Breaking Away 20th Century Fox Peter Yates
(52nd) Norma Rae 20th Century Fox Tamara Asseyev, Alex Rose
(53rd) Ordinary People Paramount Ronald L. Schwary
(53rd) Coal Miner's Daughter Universal Bernard Schwartz
(53rd) The Elephant Man Paramount David Lynch
(53rd) Raging Bull United Artists Irwin Winkler, Robert Chartoff
(53rd) Tess Columbia Claude Berri, Timothy Burrill
(54th) Chariots of Fire The Ladd Company, Warner Bros. David Puttnam
(54th) Atlantic City Paramount Denis Heroux
(54th) On Golden Pond ITC Films Bruce Gilbert
(54th) Raiders of the Lost Ark Paramount Frank Marshall
(54th) Reds Paramount Warren Beatty
(55th) Gandhi Columbia Richard Attenborough
(55th) E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial Universal Steven Spielberg, Kathleen Kennedy[M]
(55th) Missing Universal Edward Lewis, Mildred Lewis
(55th) Tootsie Columbia Sydney Pollack, Dick Richards
(55th) The Verdict 20th Century Fox Richard D. Zanuck, David Brown
(56th) Terms of Endearment Paramount James L. Brooks
(56th) The Big Chill Columbia Michael Shamberg
(56th) The Dresser Columbia Peter Yates
(56th) The Right Stuff Warner Bros., The Ladd Company Irwin Winkler, Robert Chartoff
(56th) Tender Mercies Universal, AFD Philip S. Hobel
(57th) Amadeus Orion Saul Zaentz
(57th) The Killing Fields Warner Bros. David Puttnam
(57th) A Passage to India Columbia John Brabourne, Richard Goodwin
(57th) Places in the Heart Tri-Star Arlene Donovan
(57th) A Soldier's Story Columbia Norman Jewison, Ronald L. Schwary, Patrick Palmer
(58th) Out of Africa Universal Sydney Pollack
(58th) The Color Purple Warner Bros. Steven Spielberg, Kathleen Kennedy, Frank Marshall, Quincy Jones
(58th) Kiss of the Spider Woman Island Alive David Weisman
(58th) Prizzi's Honor 20th Century Fox, ABC Motion Pictures John Foreman
(58th) Witness Paramount Edward S. Feldman
(59th) Platoon Orion Arnold Kopelson
(59th) Children of a Lesser God Paramount Burt Sugarman, Patrick J. Palmer
(59th) Hannah and Her Sisters Orion Robert Greenhut
(59th) The Mission Warner Bros. Fernando Ghia, David Puttnam
(59th) A Room with a View Cinecom Ismail Merchant
(60th) The Last Emperor[O] Columbia Jeremy Thomas
(60th) Broadcast News 20th Century Fox James L. Brooks
(60th) Fatal Attraction Paramount Stanley R. Jaffe, Sherry Lansing
(60th) Hope and Glory Columbia John Boorman
(60th) Moonstruck Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Patrick J. Palmer, Norman Jewison
(61st) Rain Man United Artists Mark Johnson
(61st) The Accidental Tourist Warner Bros. Lawrence Kasdan, Charles Okun, Michael Grillo
(61st) Dangerous Liaisons Warner Bros. Norma Heyman, Hank Moonjean
(61st) Mississippi Burning Orion Frederick Zollo, Robert F. Colesberry
(61st) Working Girl 20th Century Fox Douglas Wick
(62nd) Driving Miss Daisy Warner Bros. Richard D. Zanuck, Lili Fini Zanuck
(62nd) Born on the Fourth of July Universal A. Kitman Ho, Oliver Stone
(62nd) Dead Poets Society Touchstone Pictures Steven Haft, Paul Junger Witt, Tony Thomas
(62nd) Field of Dreams Universal Lawrence Gordon, Charles Gordon
(62nd) My Left Foot Miramax Noel Pearson
(63rd) Dances with Wolves Orion Jim Wilson, Kevin Costner
(63rd) Awakenings Columbia Walter F. Parkes, Lawrence Lasker
(63rd) Ghost Paramount Lisa Weinstein
(63rd) The Godfather Part III Paramount Francis Ford Coppola The Godfather Trilogy is one of only two trilogies (with The Lord of the Rings film trilogy) that received nominations for each installment.[3]
(63rd) Goodfellas Warner Bros. Irwin Winkler
(64th) The Silence of the Lambs Orion Edward Saxon, Kenneth Utt, Ron Bozman won all Big Five Academy Awards[3]
(64th) Beauty and the Beast Walt Disney Pictures Don Hahn the first animated film ever to be nominated for Best Picture[5]
(64th) Bugsy TriStar Mark Johnson, Barry Levinson, Warren Beatty
(64th) JFK Warner Bros. A. Kitman Ho, Oliver Stone
(64th) The Prince of Tides Columbia Barbra Streisand, Andrew S. Karsch
(65th) Unforgiven Warner Bros. Clint Eastwood
(65th) The Crying Game Miramax Stephen Woolley
(65th) A Few Good Men Columbia, Castle Rock Entertainment Rob Reiner, Andrew Scheinman
(65th) Howards End Sony Pictures Classics Ismail Merchant
(65th) Scent of a Woman Universal Studios Martin Brest
(66th) Schindler's List Universal Steven Spielberg, Gerald R. Molen, Branko Lustig
(66th) The Fugitive Warner Bros. Arnold Kopelson
(66th) In the Name of the Father Universal Jim Sheridan
(66th) The Piano Miramax Jane Campion
(66th) The Remains of the Day Columbia Mike Nichols, John Calley, Ismail Merchant
(67th) Forrest Gump Paramount Wendy Finerman, Steve Tisch, Steve Starkey
(67th) Four Weddings and a Funeral PolyGram Filmed Entertainment, Working Title Films Duncan Kenworthy
(67th) Pulp Fiction Miramax Lawrence Bender
(67th) Quiz Show Hollywood Pictures Michael Jacobs, Julian Krainin, Michael Nozick, Robert Redford
(67th) The Shawshank Redemption Columbia, Castle Rock Entertainment Niki Marvin
(68th) Braveheart 20th Century Fox, Icon Mel Gibson, Alan Ladd, Jr., Bruce Davey
(68th) Babe Universal Bill Miller, George Miller, Doug Mitchell
(68th) Apollo 13 Universal, Imagine Entertainment Brian Grazer
(68th) Il Postino[K] Miramax Mario Cecchi Gori, Vittorio Cecchi Gori, Gaetano Daniele posthumous nomination for Mario Cecchi Gori
(68th) Sense and Sensibility Columbia Lindsay Doran
(69th) The English Patient Miramax Saul Zaentz
(69th) Fargo Gramercy Pictures Ethan Coen
(69th) Jerry Maguire TriStar James L. Brooks, Laurence Mark, Richard Sakai, Cameron Crowe
(69th) Secrets & Lies October Films Simon Channing-Williams
(69th) Shine Fine Line Features Jane Scott
(70th) Titanic Paramount, 20th Century Fox James Cameron, Jon Landau received the most nominations in history (14 nominations)[4]
won the most Academy Awards in history (11 awards)[3]
(70th) As Good as It Gets TriStar James L. Brooks, Bridget Johnson, Kristi Zea
(70th) The Full Monty Fox Searchlight Umberto Pasolini
(70th) Good Will Hunting Miramax Lawrence Bender
(70th) L.A. Confidential Warner Bros. Curtis Hanson, Arnon Milchan, Michael G. Nathanson
(71st) Shakespeare in Love Miramax/Universal David Parfitt, Donna Gigliotti, Harvey Weinstein, Edward Zwick, Marc Norman
(71st) Elizabeth PolyGram Filmed Entertainment Shekhar Kapur, Alison Owen, Eric Fellner, Tim Bevan
(71st) Life Is Beautiful[K] Miramax Elda Ferri, Gianluigi Braschi
(71st) Saving Private Ryan DreamWorks, Paramount Steven Spielberg, Ian Bryce, Mark Gordon, Gary Levinsohn
(71st) The Thin Red Line 20th Century Fox Robert Michael Geisler, John Roberdeau, Grant Hill
(72nd) American Beauty DreamWorks Bruce Cohen, Dan Jinks
(72nd) The Cider House Rules Miramax Richard N. Gladstein
(72nd) The Green Mile Castle Rock Entertainment, Warner Bros. Frank Darabont, David Valdes
(72nd) The Insider Touchstone Pictures Pieter Jan Brugge, Michael Mann
(72nd) The Sixth Sense Hollywood Pictures Frank Marshall, Kathleen Kennedy, Barry Mendel, M. Night Shyamalan
(73rd) Gladiator DreamWorks, Universal Douglas Wick, David Franzoni, Branko Lustig
(73rd) Chocolat Miramax David Brown, Kit Golden, Leslie Holleran
(73rd) Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon[K] Sony Pictures Classics William Kong, Hsu Li Kong, Ang Lee
(73rd) Erin Brockovich Universal, Columbia Danny DeVito, Michael Shamberg, Stacey Sher
(73rd) Traffic USA Films Edward Zwick, Marshall Herskovitz, Laura Bickford
(74th) A Beautiful Mind Universal, DreamWorks Brian Grazer, Ron Howard
(74th) Gosford Park USA Films Robert Altman, Bob Balaban, David Levy
(74th) In the Bedroom Miramax Graham Leader, Ross Katz, Todd Field
(74th) The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring New Line Cinema Peter Jackson, Fran Walsh, Barrie M. Osborne The Lord of the Rings film trilogy is one of only two trilogies (with The Godfather Trilogy) that received nominations for each installment.[3]
(74th) Moulin Rouge! 20th Century Fox Martin Brown, Baz Luhrmann, Fred Baron
(75th) Chicago Miramax Bob Weinstein, Harvey Weinstein, Craig Zadan, Martin Richards
(75th) Gangs of New York Miramax Alberto Grimaldi, Harvey Weinstein
(75th) The Hours Paramount, Miramax Scott Rudin, Robert Fox
(75th) The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers New Line Cinema Barrie M. Osborne, Fran Walsh, Peter Jackson The Lord of the Rings film trilogy is one of only two trilogies (with The Godfather Trilogy) that received nominations for each installment.[3]
(75th) The Pianist Focus Features Roman Polanski, Robert Benmussa, Alain Sarde
(76th) The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King New Line Cinema Barrie M. Osborne, Peter Jackson, Fran Walsh The Lord of the Rings film trilogy is one of only two trilogies (with The Godfather Trilogy) that received nominations for each installment.[3]
This film won the most Academy Awards in history (11 awards)[3]
(76th) Lost in Translation Focus Features Ross Katz, Sofia Coppola
(76th) Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World 20th Century Fox, Miramax, Universal Samuel Goldwyn, Jr., Peter Weir, Duncan Henderson
(76th) Mystic River Warner Bros. Robert Lorenz, Judie G. Hoyt, Clint Eastwood
(76th) Seabiscuit Universal, DreamWorks Kathleen Kennedy, Frank Marshall, Gary Ross
(77th) Million Dollar Baby Warner Bros. Clint Eastwood, Albert S. Ruddy, Tom Rosenberg
(77th) The Aviator Warner Bros., Miramax Michael Mann, Graham King
(77th) Finding Neverland Miramax Richard N. Gladstein, Nellie Bellflower
(77th) Ray Universal Taylor Hackford, Stuart Benjamin, Howard Baldwin
(77th) Sideways Fox Searchlight Michael London
(78th) Crash Lions Gate Entertainment Paul Haggis, Cathy Schulman
(78th) Brokeback Mountain Focus Features Diana Ossana, James Schamus
(78th) Capote United Artists Caroline Baron, William Vince, Michael Ohoven
(78th) Good Night, and Good Luck Warner Bros. Grant Heslov
(78th) Munich DreamWorks, Universal Steven Spielberg, Kathleen Kennedy, Barry Mendel
(79th) The Departed Warner Bros. Graham King
(79th) Babel Paramount Vantage Alejandro González Iñárritu, Steve Golin, Jon Kilik
(79th) Letters from Iwo Jima[K] Warner Bros. Clint Eastwood, Steven Spielberg, Robert Lorenz
(79th) Little Miss Sunshine Fox Searchlight David T. Friendly, Peter Saraf, Marc Turtletaub
(79th) The Queen Miramax Andy Harries, Christine Langan, Tracey Seaward
(80th) No Country for Old Men Miramax, Paramount Vantage Scott Rudin, Ethan Coen, Joel Coen
(80th) Atonement Focus Features Tim Bevan, Eric Fellner, Paul Webster
(80th) Juno Fox Searchlight Lianne Halfon, Mason Novick, Russell Smith
(80th) Michael Clayton Warner Bros. Jennifer Fox, Kerry Orent, Sydney Pollack
(80th) There Will Be Blood Paramount Vantage, Miramax Paul Thomas Anderson, Daniel Lupi, JoAnne Sellar
(81st) Slumdog Millionaire[O] Fox Searchlight, Warner Bros. Christian Colson
(81st) The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Paramount, Warner Bros. Kathleen Kennedy, Frank Marshall, Cean Chaffin
(81st) Frost/Nixon Universal Ron Howard, Brian Grazer, Eric Fellner
(81st) Milk Focus Features Bruce Cohen, Dan Jinks
(81st) The Reader The Weinstein Company Anthony Minghella, Sydney Pollack, Donna Gigliotti, Redmond Morris posthumous nominations for Minghella and Pollack
(82nd) The Hurt Locker Summit Entertainment Nominees to be determined
(82nd) Avatar 20th Century Fox James Cameron, Jon Landau
(82nd) The Blind Side Warner Bros. Nominees to be determined
(82nd) District 9 TriStar Pictures Peter Jackson, Carolynne Cunningham
(82nd) An Education Sony Pictures Classics Finola Dwyer, Amanda Posey
(82nd) Inglourious Basterds The Weinstein Company, Universal Studios Lawrence Bender
(82nd) Precious: Based on the Novel "Push" by Sapphire Lions Gate Entertainment Lee Daniels, Sarah Siegel-Magness, Gary Magness
(82nd) A Serious Man Focus Features Joel Coen, Ethan Coen
(82nd) Up Walt Disney Pictures, Pixar Animation Studios Jonas Rivera
(82nd) Up in the Air Paramount Pictures Daniel Dubiecki, Ivan Reitman, Jason Reitman


A : The official name of the award for 1927-1928 and 1928-1929 called Outstanding Picture
B : The official name of the award from 1929-1930 to 1940 called Outstanding Production
C : The official name of the award from 1941 to 1943 called Outstanding Motion Picture
D : The official name of the award from 1944 to 1961 called Best Motion Picture
E : The official name of the award from 1962 called Best Picture
F : There were two categories for "Outstanding Picture" with the other being Academy Award for Best Unique and Artistic Production where the winner was Sunrise (production company: Fox; producer: William Fox). This category was dropped immediately after the first year of the Academy Award.[6]
G1 2 3 4 5 : Head of studio
H1 2 3 : The Academy also announced that A Farewell to Arms came in second, and Little Women third.
I1 2 3 : The Academy also announced that The Barretts of Wimpole Street came in second, and The House of Rothschild third.
J1 2 3 : The Academy also announced that The Informer came in second, and Captain Blood third.
K1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 : Nominated motion picture with non-English dialogue track (AMPAS: foreign language film).[3] Three of which, Z, Life is Beautiful and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon won the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film.[7]
L : Production company with the most nominations (38) and the most awards (5). Applying only from 1927-1928 to 1950.[4]
M : Person with the most nominations (6 nominations, 0 awards). Applying only from 1951 to 2008.[4]
N : Person with the most awards (3 awards, Spiegel 4 nominations, Zaentz 3 nominations). Applying only from 1951 to 2008.[4]
O1 2 3 : Winner with partly non-English dialogue track (AMPAS: foreign language).[2]

[edit] Milestones
Annual Year Film Awards Noms Milestone
1st 1927-28 Wings 2 2 Winner of the first Academy award for Best Picture
1st 1927-28 Wings 2 2 First (and only) silent film to win Best Picture
2nd 1928-29 The Broadway Melody 1 3 First sound film to win Best Picture
2nd 1928-29 The Broadway Melody 1 3 First musical to win Best Picture
2nd 1928-29 The Broadway Melody 1 3 First film to win Best Picture without winning any other Academy Awards
2nd 1928-29 The Broadway Melody 1 3 First winner for Best Picture to receive an acting nomination
3rd 1929-30 All Quiet on the Western Front 2 2 First talkie war film to win Academy Awards
4th 1930-31 Cimarron 3 7 First film to be nominated for every major Academy Award, including Best Picture
4th 1930-31 Cimarron 3 7 First Western to win Best Picture
4th 1930-31 Skippy 1 4 First (and only) film based on a comic book, comic strip, or graphic novel to be nominated for Best Picture
5th 1931-32 Grand Hotel 1 1 First (and only) film to win Best Picture without receiving any other nominations
6th 1932-33 She Done Him Wrong 0 1 Shortest film to be nominated for Best Picture (1 hour 6 minutes)
6th 1932-33 The Private Life of Henry VIII 1 2 First foreign film to be nominated for Best Picture and to win any Academy Award (British)
7th 1934 It Happened One Night 5 5 First of only three films to win every major Academy Award, including Best Picture
7th 1934 It Happened One Night 5 5 First Best Picture nominee to win both Best Actor and Best Actress
7th 1934 It Happened One Night 5 5 First comedy to win Best Picture
8th 1935 Mutiny on the Bounty 1 8 First remake to win Best Picture
8th 1935 Mutiny on the Bounty 1 8 Only film to have three performers nominated in the Best Actor category
8th 1935 Mutiny on the Bounty 1 8 Last film to date to win Best Picture without winning any other Academy Awards
8th 1935 A Midsummer Night's Dream 2* 3 First Shakespeare adaptation to be nominated for Best Picture (*one of its two Oscars was a write-in winner)
10th 1937 A Star Is Born 1 7 First all-color film nominated for Best Picture
10th 1937 The Life of Emile Zola 3 10 First biographical picture (biopic) to win Best Picture
11th 1938 Grand Illusion 0 1 First foreign language film to be nominated for Best Picture (French)
11th 1938 You Can't Take It With You 2 7 First of only two Best Picture winners to have been adapted for the screen from plays which won the Pulitzer Prize
12th 1939 The Wizard of Oz 2 6 First children's film to be nominated for Best Picture
12th 1939 Gone with the Wind 8 13 Longest film to win Best Picture (3 hours 54 minutes)
12th 1939 Gone with the Wind 8 13 First all-color film to win Best Picture
13th 1940 Rebecca 2 11 First thriller to win Best Picture
15th 1942 Mrs. Miniver 6 12 First Best Picture nominee to receive nominations in all of the four acting categories
16th 1943 The Ox-Bow Incident 0 1 Last film to date to be nominated for Best Picture and no other award
18th 1945 The Bells of St. Mary's 1 8 First sequel to be nominated for Best Picture
18th 1945 The Lost Weekend 4 7 Only film to win both Best Picture and the Cannes Film Festival Grand Prix du Festival International du Film
21st 1948 Hamlet 4 7 First foreign film to win Best Picture (British)
23rd 1950 All About Eve 6 14 First of only two films to receive 14 Academy Award nominations, including Best Picture
26th 1953 From Here to Eternity 8 13 Last Best Picture winner to date to receive nominations in all of the four acting categories
26th 1953 The Robe 2 5 First motion picture (and Best Picture nominee) in CinemaScope
28th 1955 Marty 4 8 Only film to win both Best Picture and the Cannes Film Festival Palme d'Or
28th 1955 Marty 4 8 Shortest film to win Best Picture (1 hour 31 minutes)
28th 1955 Marty 4 8 First (and only) film based on a television movie or mini-series to win Best Picture
29th 1956 Around the World in Eighty Days 5 8 First film to win Best Picture in a year when all nominees were filmed in color
30th 1957 The Bridge on the River Kwai 7 8 Won the Best Film in the BAFTA, Golden Globe and New York Film Critics Circle Award
32nd 1959 Ben-Hur 11 12 First of only three films to win 11 Academy Awards, including Best Picture
33rd 1960 The Apartment 5 10 Last black-and-white film before 1993 (and last entirely in B&W) to win Best Picture
34th 1961 West Side Story 10 11 First of only two Best Picture winners to have more than one credited director (Jerome Robbins and Robert Wise)
34th 1961 West Side Story 10 11 Most Oscar-winning musical (10 wins)
35th 1962 Lawrence of Arabia 7 10 Only Best Picture winner to have credited roles for actors of only one gender
39th 1966 Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? 5 13 First (and only) Best Picture nominee to be nominated for every award category in which it was eligible
40th 1967 In the Heat of the Night 5 7 First (and only) mystery to win Best Picture
41st 1968 Oliver! 6 11 First film with an MPAA rating to win Best Picture
41st 1968 Oliver! 6 11 First (and only) G-rated film to date to win Best Picture
42nd 1969 Midnight Cowboy 3 7 First (and only) X-rated film to win Best Picture
43rd 1970 Patton 7 10 First PG-rated film to win Best Picture
44th 1971 A Clockwork Orange 0 4 Last X-rated film to be nominated for Best Picture
44th 1971 The French Connection 5 8 First R-rated film to win Best Picture
45th 1972 Cabaret 8 10 Best Picture nominee to win the most Academy Awards (Cool without winning Best Picture
46th 1973 The Exorcist 2 10 First horror film to be nominated for Best Picture
47th 1974 The Godfather Part II 6 11 First sequel to win Best Picture.
48th 1975 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest 5 9 Second of only three films to win every major Academy Award, including Best Picture
49th 1976 Rocky 3 10 First sports film to win Best Picture
50th 1977 Star Wars 6 10 First Science fiction film to be nominated for Best Picture
50th 1977 The Turning Point 0 11 First of two Best Picture nominees to receive 11 nominations without winning any Academy Awards
53rd 1980 Ordinary People 4 6 Last film to date to win Best Picture without a Best Film Editing nomination.
54th 1981 Reds 3 12 Last Best Picture nominee to date to receive nominations in all four of the acting categories
58th 1985 The Color Purple 0 11 Second of two Best Picture nominees to receive 11 nominations without winning any Academy Awards
58th 1985 The Color Purple 0 11 First PG-13-rated to be nominated for Best Picture
58th 1985 Kiss of the Spider Woman 1 4 First Independent film to be nominated for Best Picture
59th 1986 Children of a Lesser God 1 5 First film directed by a woman (Randa Haines) to be nominated for Best Picture
60th 1987 The Last Emperor 9 9 First PG-13-rated film to win Best Picture
61st 1988 Rain Man 4 8 First (and only) film to win Berlin Golden Bear and Best Picture
62nd 1989 Driving Miss Daisy 4 9 Last film to date to win Best Picture without being nominated for Best Director
62nd 1989 Driving Miss Daisy 4 9 Second of only two Best Picture winners to have been adapted for the screen from plays having won the Pulitzer Prize
62nd 1989 Driving Miss Daisy 4 9 Last Best Picture winner to date with a PG rating (or lower)
63rd 1990 The Godfather Part III 0 7 First of only two trilogies to have all three films nominated for Best Picture
64th 1991 Beauty and the Beast 2 6 First animated film to to be nominated for Best Picture
64th 1991 The Silence of the Lambs 5 7 Third of only three films to win every major Academy Award, including Best Picture
64th 1991 The Silence of the Lambs 5 7 Last Best Picture winner to date to win both Best Actor and Best Actress
64th 1991 The Silence of the Lambs 5 7 First horror film to win Best Picture
66th 1993 Schindler's List 7 12 First (and only) black-and-white film after 1960 to win Best Picture (though with some color sequences)
66th 1993 The Fugitive 1 7 First (and only) film based on a television series to be nominated for Best Picture
67th 1994 Four Weddings and a Funeral 0 2 First (and only) film to be nominated for Best Picture and only one other award after the switch to five nominees in 1944
70th 1997 As Good As It Gets 2 7 Last Best Picture nominee to date to win both Best Actor and Best Actress
70th 1997 Titanic 11 14 Second of only two films to receive 14 Academy Award nominations, including Best Picture
70th 1997 Titanic 11 14 Second of only three films to win 11 Academy Awards, including Best Picture
70th 1997 Titanic 11 14 First Best Picture winner to be produced, directed, written, and edited by the same person (James Cameron)
70th 1997 Titanic 11 14 First Best Picture winner to gross over US$1,000,000,000, worldwide.[8]
70th 1997 Titanic 11 14 Last film to date to win Best Picture without a screenplay nomination (Adapted or Original)
71st 1998 Shakespeare in Love 7 13 Last comedy to date to win Best Picture
71st 1998 Shakespeare in Love 7 13 Most Oscars without a Best Director win
73rd 2000 Traffic 4 5 Last Best Picture nominee to date to have been based on a television movie or mini-series
73rd 2000 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 4 10 First (and only) martial arts film to date to be nominated for Best Picture
73rd 2000 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 4 10 Foreign language film nominated for Best Picture to date with the most number of Academy Award nominations
74th 2001 A Beautiful Mind 4 8 Last biopic to date to win Best Picture
75th 2002 Chicago 6 13 Last musical to date to win Best Picture
76th 2003 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King 11 11 Second of only two trilogies to have all three films nominated for Best Picture
76th 2003 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King 11 11 Third of only three films to date to win 11 Academy Awards, including Best Picture
76th 2003 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King 11 11 Last film to date to win Best Picture and all of its other nominated categories
76th 2003 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King 11 11 First (and only) film to win more than 10 awards and not receive an acting nomination
76th 2003 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King 11 11 First (and only) film to date with ten or more nominations (11) to win in every nomination it received including Best Picture
76th 2003 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King 11 11 First (and only) fantasy film to date to win Best Picture
77th 2004 Million Dollar Baby 4 7 Last film to date to be nominated for every major Academy Award, including Best Picture
77th 2004 The Aviator 5 11 Last film to date to win the most Academy Awards (5) in its year without winning Best Picture
78th 2005 Crash 3 6 First (and only) film festival acquisition to win Best Picture
78th 2005 Good Night, and Good Luck 0 6 Last black-and-white film to date to be nominated for Best Picture
79th 2006 Letters from Iwo Jima 1 4 Last foreign language film to date to be nominated for Best Picture (Japanese)
79th 2006 The Departed 4 5 First (and only) remake of a foreign film to win Best Picture
80th 2007 No Country for Old Men 4 8 Last western to date to win Best Picture
80th 2007 No Country for Old Men 4 8 Last Best Picture winner to date to have more than one credited director (Joel and Ethan Coen)
80th 2007 No Country for Old Men 4 8 First (and only) film of the 2000s decade to gross under $2 million in its opening weekend to win Best Picture
81st 2008 Slumdog Millionaire 8 10 Last film to date to win Best Picture without receiving any acting nominations
81st 2008 Slumdog Millionaire 8 10 Tied with Gandhi as Best Picture winner with second most Oscars for a British production (behind The English Patient) and second most Oscars for a non-American production (behind The Last Emperor).[9]
82nd 2009 Up 2 5 First computer animated film to be nominated for Best Picture
82nd 2009 Up 2 5 Last family film to date to be nominated for Best Picture
82nd 2009 District 9 0 4 First best picture nominee to be filmed partly in mockumentary style.


Before 1951, the award was for the studio or studios which produced the film. Since then, the award has been to the individual producers credited on the film. Note also that until 1943, there were ten rather than five nominated films per year. As of 2009, there are ten nominated films, once again. The first year in which multiple individuals jointly won was 1973, with three winners for The Sting. The most joint winners was five, for Shakespeare in Love in 1998. After this the Academy imposed a limit of three nominated producers per film; however this may be exceeded in "a rare and extraordinary circumstance", such as in 2008 when Anthony Minghella and Sydney Pollack were posthumously included among four nominees for The Reader.[10]

Category Number Producer
Most nominations, pre-1951, company 41 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Most wins, pre-1951, company 6 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Most nominations, pre-1951, person 16 Hal B. Wallis
Most wins, pre-1951, person 3 Darryl F. Zanuck
Most nominations, post-1951, person 6 Kathleen Kennedy, Stanley Kramer, Steven Spielberg
Most wins, post-1951, person 3 Sam Spiegel, Saul Zaentz
Most nominations, overall, person 19 Hal B. Wallis
Most wins, overall, person 3 Sam Spiegel, Saul Zaentz, Darryl F. Zanuck
Category Film Length
Longest Winner Gone with the Wind 3 hours 54 minutes
Longest Nominee Cleopatra 4 hours 2 minutes
Shortest Winner Marty 1 hour 31 minutes
Shortest Nominee She Done Him Wrong 1 hour 6 minutes


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